Do you want to gain more influence over the management of your development, save money and improve overall service? Right to Manage (RTM) could be the first step towards getting back in control of your investment.
Clear Building Management has successfully helped a number of leaseholders, residents and groups to form their own Right to Manage (RTM) company. We will make sure that your RTM company has the right structure and support to operate effectively and that you have all the guidance, advice and information necessary to allow you to make informed decisions.
What we offer
If you choose Clear Building Management to manage your block, we will guide you smoothly through the RTM process. We can do the work based on appointment when the RTM is successful, meaning that leaseholders will only need to pay disbursements and risk is minimised.
Talk to us today to discuss:
- If your development qualifies for RTM and alternative proposals if it doesn’t.
- What support you need and how to obtain it.
- The roles and responsibilities you will acquire under company law.
- The responsibilities under Landlord and Tenant legislation.
- An assessment of your objectives and practical advice if another route or method could achieve your goals.
Deep knowledge and sector expertise
The property management specialists at Clear Building Management have helped hundreds of leaseholders to secure the Right to Manage their blocks. We provide ongoing support to help deliver and maintain strong communities and well managed buildings.
‘One signature switch’
At Clear, we offer a very simple ‘one signature switch’ service. This means that we handle all dealings with your old agent, including any conflicts and what they can and can’t do until the handover is complete.
Honesty and integrity
If your managing agent has its own maintenance team to keep busy, how can you be sure you’re getting the best value for money? To us, this feels like a conflict of interests, potentially an incentive to spend other people’s money, and is therefore something we deliberately avoid.
Financial transparency
At Clear, we voluntarily publish all our fees and any out of contract charges openly for complete transparency. Leaseholders also have certainty that we are not earning by spending their funds. We won’t ever charge “invoicing fees” or extra for banking, using our online portal, or accessing our 24-hour support. We call this all-inclusive pricing.
Fully accredited
We are ARMA members, which means we are voluntarily audited to a very high standard on a regular basis. Clear also voluntarily pays for RICS to regulate and audit us, adding additional layers of legal and financial protection for the people we work with.
Ready to change managing agent?
Clear Building Management offers a fresh and clear approach to building management. Our residential Property Block Managers cover Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Preston, Sheffield, Luton, Dunstable and the surrounding areas.